Thursday, February 19, 2015

"the WORD was GOD!"

John 1:1-3                            (ESV)
"1 In the beginning was the WORD, and the WORD was with GOD, and "the WORD was GOD".
2 HE was in the beginning with GOD.
3 All things were made through HIM, and without HIM was not any thing made that was made.
4 In HIM was LIFE, and the LIFE was the LIGHT of men."

The book of John is one of my personal favorite books in the Bible.  Revealing JESUS to us as a friend, a Saviour, our example, and a constant support system is something I wonder if John fully understood when he was writing these words so many years ago.  Yet, GOD in HIS infinite wisdom and divine intervention, gave these WORDS to HIS servant to change the hearts and minds of mankind for years to come.  The first four verses of John have captured my attention recently as I have meditated them and let GOD speak to my heart. 

To begin with, we must comprehend that "GOD is Spirit" (John 4:24)!  JESUS also said in John 10:30 that "I and the Father are ONE".  So JESUS let's us know plainly that HE and the FATHER are Spirit!  Although JESUS took on a fleshly body for HIS earthly ministry, the fact that HE has always BEEN, and always will BE, lets me know that the Spiritual realm is where we need to have our focus.  The physical (body) realm will "pass away" one day and the Spirit realm will be all that remains!  

If JESUS is LIFE (verse 4) and HIS LIFE is the LIGHT of men, then those who refuse to see the LIGHT are lost in darkness.  In John 12 JESUS illustrates the love of GOD expressly when HE said in verse 32 "And I, when I am "lifted up" from the earth, will draw all people to MYSELF."  When people see the LIFE and LIGHT of the CHRIST living through us, HE is exalted!  When someone is exalted, they are essentially "lifted up"!  Maybe darkness is advancing because The LIGHT isn't being "lifted up" like HE should?

As long as GOD chooses to give me LIFE in my physical body I will lift HIM up!  The fact that "the WORD was GOD" means that JESUS (and GOD) came to earth as a friend, a Saviour, and our example for a purpose!  John 12:27 says "But for this "PURPOSE" I have come to this hour."  JESUS loved me so much that HE left HIS throne to become flesh so I could be inhabited by HIS SPIRIT!  Since GOD is Spirit, and HE inhabits me, everyone should see "the WORD was GOD" in my life!  

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