Monday, February 16, 2015


Luke 24:45-49                          (ESV)
"45 Then HE 'opened their minds' to understand the Scriptures,
46 and said to them, "Thus it is written, that the CHRIST SHOULD SUFFER and on the third day rise from the dead,
47 and that repentance and forgiveness of sins should be proclaimed in his name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem.
48 You are witnesses of these things.
49 And behold, I am sending the promise of my FATHER upon you. But "STAY IN THE CITY" until you are CLOTHED with POWER from on high."

Reading from John 1 during a recent study, my "app" of the Bible was on John 1 when I opened it this morning.  Just before John 1 is Luke 24.  I read for a few verses just to see if GOD was directing me there and I could not get passed Luke 24:49 and the words "STAY IN THE CITY" until you are clothed with power from on high!  

I begin to read a little further back to gain a perspective on what was being said to me.  In verse 45 scripture indicates that JESUS 'opened their minds'.  Were their (the disciples) minds previously closed, or did they not have a desire to understand the scriptures?  I believe it was 'GOD's timing' that the disciples JUST NOW had some things REVEALED to them so GOD could be glorified to the maximum!  

In verse 46 scripture records that the CHRIST SHOULD SUFFER.  Now if our example, brother, and LORD should suffer, what makes us think we should be any different?  Why should we believe that the road we will travel during our life will be a smooth one with no difficulties?  I am sure the disciples wanted to begin their ministry proclaiming that JESUS CHRIST was risen from the dead and had overcome the world!  They must have been chomping at the bit to tell SOMEONE about the goodness of GOD!  But sometimes we have to SUFFER through somethings, just like JESUS did, for GOD to be glorified through our lives!

JESUS gave them direct instructions to "STAY IN THE CITY" until they were clothed with power from on high!  There are times when I don't understand why I am being held back and am not released to tell the TRUTH about the goodness of GOD.  The disciples had been with JESUS in HIS earthly ministry for three years.  They had to had stories to relate to everyone that would listen, but they had to wait on 'GOD's timing' before HE could get glory.  

The disciples surely must have thought they were ready to share with the world, but JESUS instructed them to "STAY IN THE CITY"!  Sometimes we have to "STAY IN THE CITY" and wait for the Holy Spirit to empower us before GOD can get glory.  It is not like we don't have a story to tell, rather we have to wait on 'GOD's timing'!  When the SPIRIT is ready to move we will not have to "STAY IN THE CITY" any longer!  

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