Saturday, February 21, 2015


Joshua 1:5-7        (ESV)
"5 NO MAN shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life. Just as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not leave you or forsake you.
6 Be strong and courageous, for you shall cause this people to INHERIT  the land that I swore to their fathers to give them.
7 Only BE STRONG and VERY COURAGEOUS, being careful to do according to ALL THE LAW that Moses my servant commanded you. Do not turn from it to the RIGHT hand or to the LEFT, that you may have "GOOD SUCCESS" wherever you go."

In my early years my grandfather promised my two sisters and I that he would give us money to go to the fair if we would pull weeds in the pasture behind our house.  We were excited about having our own money to spend at the fair, but soon realized to get that money we had to pull weeds!  My grandfather must have been exceedingly gracious, for the day before the fair began us kids came home from school and the weeds were GONE!  I never found out what happened, but I'm sure a bush hog was involved.  

ALMIGHTY GOD is more gracious than my grandfather could ever be.  In verse seven GOD instructs Joshua to be "careful to do according to ALL THE LAW".  Now GOD had to have known that HIS children could not follow ALL THE LAW, just like my grandfather knew my sisters and I couldn't get all the weeds pulled in time for the fair.  But GOD promised "GOOD SUCCESS" if HIS children obeyed HIM.  But the promise was conditional!

Just like us kids wanted to go to the fair, mankind always has a desire to reap rewards.  However, we are not so keen on doing what is required to bring about those rewards.  When the Creator of the Universe promises "GOOD SUCCESS", the rewards are generally beyond our wildest dreams.  All we have to do is follow HIS directions and we will have "GOOD SUCCESS" from GOD above.  

HIS promises are limitless, yet we are deceived into believing OUR WAY is more desirable.  The "GOOD SUCCESS" promised to us is not something we earn.  GOD told Joshua in verse six the Israelites would INHERIT the land!  I thank GOD for HIS mercies and grace, for I am not worthy of "GOOD SUCCESS" on my own!  

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