Tuesday, February 17, 2015

"whoever does NOT GATHER with ME scatters."

Matthew 12:30                           (ESV)
"Whoever is not with ME is against ME, and "whoever does NOT GATHER with ME scatters."

So many times GOD's Word is slanted, or manipulated, to try to accentuate a certain viewpoint.   In Matthew 12:30 there is no twisting the words spoken by JESUS.  JESUS is telling HIS disciples and us that if we are not helping HIS cause, then we are helping the enemy and his cause!  

Several people want to believe they are not taking sides in this war.  They want to make themselves believe they aren't offending or alienating the enemy when they will not stand with JESUS and HIS teachings.  But JESUS was pretty plain when HE said "whoever does not gather with ME scatters!"  JESUS said if you are not helping, you are DEFINITELY hurting!

The spiritual battle IS going on all around us.  We can do our best to ignore or recognize it, but that doesn't make any less real.  When we fail to advance the cause of CHRIST, we aid the enemy!  The example has been given of a stone in a wagon.....it does nothing to aid the pursuer, but it makes it more difficult for the one pulling the wagon to escape the pursuer!  

If "whoever does NOT GATHER with ME scatters" is true (and JESUS was not speaking idle words in this verse), where does that leave us?  Am I "setting myself apart" with my deeds and  actions, or am I "going along with the crowd"?  My prayer is that my life will not be defined by "whoever does NOT GATHER with ME scatters", but that I can be identified as being on the RIGHT TEAM!!

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