Sunday, February 22, 2015

"the PLAN!"

Proverbs 19:21                (ESV)
"Many are "the PLAN"s in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the LORD that will stand."

How many times have I sat down and planned within the boundaries of my mind where my life will eventually carry me?  The journey we wind up taking is one that I, nor a brilliant story teller of fact or fiction, could not have dreamed of!  A boy whose was abandoned by his earthly father, raised with two sisters by a single mother with little resources, meets and marries a beautiful, loving, supportive woman, they have two, Godly, healthy boys, then has a near fatal brain hemorrhage from which he recovers completely.........!  No, I can't top that!

Why then do I want to question what GOD has in store for my life?  Shouldn't I just enjoy "the PLAN" HE has laid out for me and enjoy the ride?  1 Corinthians 2:9 says "But, as it is written, "What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the HEART of man IMAGINED, what GOD has prepared for those who love him"!  We cannot even imagine in our heart what GOD has PLANned for our lives.   

Yet, we find ourselves trying to plot and figure out how we can make more money, live healthier, longer lives, make our kids mind better, and on and on.  How many times in GOD's Word are we instructed to "TRUST HIM"?  And then how many times are we instructed to "MAKE MORE"?  GOD knows that money, health, and possessions will not provide happiness!  

"the PLAN"s of man are flawed and have to be corrected constantly for survival.  But if we follow "the PLAN" for our lives laid out by GOD THE FATHER, peace and contentment are sure to be the result!  Fame and fortune won't necessarily come our way, but fulfilling GOD's PLAN is more rewarding than anything we can imagine!  

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