Friday, February 6, 2015


Genesis 3:22-23                           (KJV)
"22 And the LORD GOD said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:
23 Therefore the LORD GOD sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to "TILL THE GROUND" from whence he (man) was taken."

Many times I have written about my grandfather working in the garden in my growing up years.  "Grandpa" would wake up early (around 4:30 or 5:00am) and go into the garden and hoe, pull weeds, or water before anyone else was awake.  His garden was anywhere from 2 acres to 5 acres, depending on the year.  He would feed his entire family and a number of people who would buy produce from his garden.  All of those people benefitted from my grandfather TILLING THE GROUND!

When GOD "sent forth" Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden HE said they were to "TILL THE GROUND" from which he was taken.  To "till" means to labor or work.  For man to have a sense of worth and meaning, he has to work to produce something.  That GOD has built into mankind an uncanny need to accomplish a task is not surprising.  That the enemy has placed within the hearts and minds of some to do the opposite is also NOT a surprise!

GOD made the ground to contain the nutrients and minerals needed to keep our bodies healthy.  When mankind, with all of his earthly understanding, tries to circumvent GOD's plan it usually brings disastrous results.  You can't imitate what GOD created and expect to see Godly results.  The enemy is about imitating what GOD has made.  If mankind tries to imitate what GOD performs through nature, who do you think mankind is trying to glorify?  

Unless mankind begins to realize that we must "TILL THE GROUND" to produce food to nourish our bodies we will continue to suffer from diseases and malnutrition.  Malnutrition does not mean starvation.  "TILL THE GROUND" is all about putting "labor or work" into our food sources and our bodies.  When we attempt to take the "labor and work" out of food preparation, the result is inferior food supply.  

Our bodies are being filled with inferior food, and I'm afraid our Spirits are being fed inferior Gospel.  We don't have a sense of "labor or work" anymore for anything, rather everyone is trying to find the easy way out!  We would prefer not to "TILL THE GROUND", but if we don't use the ground to grow our food, then the needed nutrients will be omitted from our food!  There are some processes that can not be altered!  "TILL THE GROUND" may be one of those!!

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