Saturday, February 28, 2015


1 Corinthians 6:19-20                      (ESV)
"19 Or do you not know that YOUR BODY IS A TEMPLE of the HOLY SPIRIT within you, whom you have from GOD? "YOU ARE NOT YOUR OWN",
20 for you were bought with a price. So GLORIFY GOD in your body."

Eating Blue Bell Moo llineum Crunch ice cream is one of the most pleasurable earthly things that I am aware of!  When I eat Blue Bell Moo llineum Crunch I am not affecting others.  As a matter of fact I usually prefer to be alone when I "indulge"!  But the Blue Bell Moo llineum Crunch ice cream is not affected by who sees me eating it, only by being ingested into my body.  When I eat things that are on my "DO NOT EAT" list, I usually gain weight which is not good for me!

The fact that I love Blue Bell Moo llineum Crunch does not mean that it loves me!  GOD's Word says my body is not my own!  Eating outside of GOD's Plan can bring disastrous results that we may not recognize if we are TOO BUSY.  Recently there was a message shared with me that included some characteristics of GOD (stills you; reassures you; leads you; enlightens you; forgives you; CALMS you; encourages you; comforts you).  There were also some characteristics of the devil shared (RUSHES you; Frightens you; Pushes you; CONFUSES you; CONDEMNS you; Stresses you; Discourages you; WORRIES you).  The enemy tries to get us so worked up where we believe everything is dependent on something or someone OTHER  than GOD.  The enemy doesn't care who or what we are looking to for our focus in life, just as long as we are NOT focused on GOD ALMIGHTY!

Many times I have been asked if some act is a "sin".  In light of this Bible Study I would have to replay that "YOU ARE NOT YOUR OWN" and you need to ask whosever your body belongs to! If I borrow someone's automobile and drive it somewhere to damage their reputation, then my future ability to borrow anything from them will be in jeopardy!  "YOU ARE NOT YOUR OWN" should let us know that IF WE ARE BORN AGAIN we are NOT the one in charge of our body.  The HOLY SPIRIT indwells us, by the power of ALMIGHTY GOD, and HE is the ONE we should ask if something is okay for us to do!

That is why it is SO critical that we have a time of Bible Study, prayer and meditation every day! If we are not listening to and for GOD and HIS direction in our lives, the enemy is accomplishing his goal.  The reality that "YOU ARE NOT YOUR OWN" is a humbling, yet enlightening, thing.  Our temples (our bodies) are inhabited by the Spirit we allow to reign on our throne.  We can surrender to THE KING, or we can be ruled by an imposter.  But the unmistakable, eternal fact remains I can't eat Blue Bell Moo llineum Crunch whenever I like, for I AM NOT MY OWN!!!

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