Friday, May 22, 2015


James 1:16-18                       (ESV)
"16 Do not be deceived, my beloved brothers.
17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the "FATHER OF LIGHTS" with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.
18 Of HIS own will HE brought us forth by the word of truth, that we should be a kind of firstfruits of HIS creatures."

Knowing that we are introduced to satan in Genesis 3 as 'more deceitful than ANY other creature GOD had made', it should be no surprise to us that the enemy can, and does, use anything he can to trick people into following something other than GOD's perfect plan.  If the enemy can infiltrate our minds in the the slightest, then he has us moving away from GOD.  It doesn't take but a few drops of paint to turn WHITE into BEIGE!

As I age my eyesight is not what it used to be.  However, recently my wife was painting our bedroom and I noticed that a different colored paint lightened the whole room.  I watched the paint be mixed and the clerk only put a few drops of blue and red into the bucket to change the whole outcome of the product!  All it took was a slight improvement in the LIGHT to give the room a completely new look.  If she had used WHITE paint on the walls the illumination would have been interesting to see!  A little color (deception) entirely changed how we saw 

GOD is the "FATHER OF LIGHTS" spoken of by James in the above scripture.  Every good and perfect gift is from HIM.  There is no 'tinting or shadowing' HIS blessings.  When we look at what GOD made by simply "speaking" into existence, we might be, and should be, taken aback!  Sometimes we have to adjust "how we see" the things we are looking at, not so much the things we are looking at!  

It has been said "beauty is in the eye of the beholder".  When the great deceiver tints the walls of the rooms in our house we can see a totally different house.  However, when we allow GOD to reveal the true color HE designed for our lives, HE reveals to us a seemingly NEW CREATION.  The "FATHER OF LIGHTS" can change our eyesight to see things we hadn't seen previously, and even though we are standing in the same room, make it appear as though things are totally new.   I choose The CREATORS plan for my life as opposed to the great deceiver's.  The seeming luxury of "this world" will be exposed as the "FATHER OF LIGHTS" is exposed!

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