Saturday, May 16, 2015


John 4:23-26                                    (ESV) 
"23 But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the FATHER in spirit and truth, for the FATHER is seeking such people to worship HIM.
24 "GOD IS SPIRIT", and those who worship HIM must worship in spirit and truth."
25 The woman said to HIM, "I know that MESSIAH is coming (he who is called CHRIST). When HE comes, HE will tell us all things."
26 JESUS said to her, "I who speak to you am HE".

In 2007, when I was hospitalized, I asked my wife how she coped during the time I was in a medically induced coma.  She told me that there wasn't anything she could do about it, so she just didn't fret that much.  However, after a particularly rough day, while driving home one night she heard the song playing on the radio by Twila Paris named "GOD IS IN CONTROL"!  If "GOD IS IN CONTROL" what could she do to improve my situation?  

The fact that "GOD IS IN CONTROL" must give Christians everywhere hope beyond measure.  GOD could be allowing the rulers of "this world" to show us how big of a mess they can make.  HE could be allowing things to get SO BAD that Sodom and Gomorrah will be mild comparatively!  Imagine how bad things would become if GOD just removed all heavenly influence from the earth. 

When JESUS sacrificed HIMSELF on Calvary "this world" got a little indication what would happen without GOD.  Matthew 27:45 says "Now from the sixth hour there was DARKNESS OVER ALL THE LAND until the ninth hour."  In John 8:12 scripture records "Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, "I AM THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."  Yet we are told by "this world" that GOD must be "put into a box" and NOT allowed into our government or public life?  

JESUS HIMSELF said in John 4:24 that "GOD IS SPIRIT". Regardless of how big the government is, or powerful it is, or how much good it does, there is NO authority that can take any power from GOD ALMIGHTY!  We can no more kick GOD out of our schools, our government, our work, even our lives than we can make the wind cease blowing!  Since GOD IS SPIRIT" a spirit would have to limit HIM or HIS influence!  And there has been no known Spirit demonstrate the power or ability to curtail HIS Greatness!  Don't let others tell you that GOD has been kicked out of anywhere, for "GOD IS SPIRIT" and HE lives within my heart!!!

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