Monday, May 18, 2015


Matthew 24:35                             (KJV)
"Heaven and earth shall pass away, but "MY WORDS SHALL NOT PASS AWAY."

The Heavens declare the works of the LORD (Psalms 19:1).  If the heavens declare HIS majesty, why can't we do likewise?  All mankind is asked to do is give glory and honor to our Creator, yet a lot of us want to talk about what we have done and how we made things happen.  Proverbs 16:9 says "A man’s heart deviseth his way: but the LORD directeth his steps."  GOD is the ONE who does good through us!

Man can talk about how he has done so much good, and you normally see this when he is wanting something (such as your vote!).  But we must realize that all good things come from GOD (James 1:17).  The government can not give peace.  The government can not give understanding. Mankind, as a whole, is deceitful (Jeremiah 17:9) and even the good we try to accomplish can have bad results if we attempt those deeds outside of CHRIST!

When all is said and done and the heavens and earth are no more, JESUS says "MY WORDS SHALL NOT PASS AWAY"!  We get so caught up trying to leave our mark in this world, but unless it is done in the name of JESUS it will be as "wood, hay and stubble"!  We need to understand and realize that we can do nothing outside of GOD's grace, and that "MY WORDS SHALL NOT PASS AWAY"!!!

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