Friday, May 1, 2015


Isaiah 40:7-8                   (ESV)
"7 The grass withers, the flower fades when the breath of the LORD blows on it; surely the people are grass. 
8 The grass withers, the flower fades, but "THE WORD OF OUR GOD" will stand forever."

The was an article recently in the local newspaper asking if a certain politician was too "reasonable" for his chosen political party "these days"?  The question caused me to consider, the certain politician will either have to be inline with "this world" and its increasingly sinful attributes, or the politician will be considered "out-of-touch" with mainstream voters!  Tolerance of anything other than the things of "this worlds" point of view will result in someone being considered a radical or "nut job"!!

"THE WORD OF OUR GOD" is not something that adjusts with mankind's whims though.   In Haggai 1:7 scripture records "Thus says the LORD of hosts: Consider "YOUR" ways".  The Bible doesn't say that GOD changes HIS ways because mankind becomes more and more selfish and evil!  Our GOD wouldn't be much of a god if he changed his standards with every generations level of obedience!  What society approves of and what GOD approves of SHOULD  be closely aligned.  

Whether a politician, or any other part of humanity, agrees with, or even condones, our behavior is not what we should be concerned with.  "THE WORD OF OUR GOD" will stand forever and The HOLY BIBLE should be our measuring stick!  Humility would not be a problem if we were measuring ourselves against The Creator!  The problem may be that modern day man doesn't SLOW DOWN long enough to recognize and appreciate WHO is the "giver and sustainer" of life.  

HEAVENLY FATHER, cause me to seek YOUR face and acknowledge that without YOU in my life there is NO meaning!  Much like the grass that withers, and the flower that fades, our earthly  lives will pass like a vapor.  But "THE WORD OF OUR GOD" will stand forever!  Cause me to consider "my" ways, not others ways, and to line up with "THE WORD OF OUR GOD"!

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