Tuesday, May 12, 2015

"the LORD establishes!"

Proverbs 16:7-9       (ESV)
"When a man's ways please the LORD, HE makes even his enemies to be at peace with him. 
Better is a little with righteousness than great revenues with injustice.  The heart of man plans his way, but "the LORD establishes" his steps."

Oftentimes people are heard referring to others that have influenced their lives to be who they have become.  Your Mom, or Dad, or other people who have influenced the path you have journeyed in your life may have contributed to your journey, but "the LORD establishes" the direction in which we travel.  

Consider King Pharaoh in Exodus 14:4.  It is written "And 'I WILL' will harden Pharaoh's heart, and he will pursue them, and I will get glory over Pharaoh and all his host, and the Egyptians shall know that I am the LORD." And 'THEY DID SO'."  King Pharaoh, and all his warriors, surely didn't commit suicide, did they?  GOD might have angered King Pharaoh so that he was blinded by his anger and rushed to get the Israelites recaptured and went straight into their grave!

On July 08, 2007 my intentions were to establish a Non-Profit to aid under-funded and misguided students to gain direction and purpose in their lives.  Although a noble effort, I had not bathed my intentions in necessary and adequate prayer to determine if this is what the LORD had established for my life.  On July 09, 2007 my brain hemorrhaged and my life has never been the same!  The LORD established me to recover from the brain hemorrhage and continue my life, only now I would be SOLD OUT to HIM!  

When "the LORD establishes" our steps we can make all the grand plans for our lives we desire.  We can attempt to do "good", but when man adds to what GOD ordains, it becomes "good"!  There is too much man and not enough GOD!  One "O" isn't much, but it is enough for GOD to not bless it.  FATHER, cause me to ever be seeking to follow in the steps that "the LORD establishes" and keep my ways in tune with YOUR ways!  

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