Monday, May 25, 2015


"5 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
6 In all thy ways acknowledge HIM, and "HE SHALL DIRECT THY PATHS!".
7 Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the LORD, and depart from evil."

This verse has been guiding me for many years.  However the phrase I have always focused on has 'Trust in the LORD with ALL your heart"!  It seems as though my mentality was that GOD would NEVER cause me to experience difficult times, they must come from my own disobedience or sinful lifestyle.  GOD would only give me "good" things and any "bad" thing must have been retribution my own decisions?........and I MUST have made plenty of those?

But Proverbs 3:6 doesn't say GOD will direct us into prosperity and abundance!  Consider the Apostle Paul who lived a life that was sold out to glorifying JESUS CHRIST and HIS principles.  Paul spent a vast amount of his ministry IN PRISON!  Eleven of the twelve disciples, Apostle Paul, and numerous others were martyred for the cause of JESUS CHRIST!  GOD was, and is, in Control of Paul's life and "HE SHALL DIRECT THY PATHS" even when Paul was sent to prison!

Since I live in the United States of America we "free-people" always seem to look for the 'easy way out', to avoid conflict or confinement.  But scripture 'promises' numerous places we will, like Saul (later Apostle Paul), SUFFER many things for HIS cause (Acts 9:16)!  JESUS said in John 16:33 "These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In "the world" ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome "the world".  "The world" is not a final resting place, but a foreign battle field for us to endure for a time!  Calling eternity our "reward" is one of the most true statements we can make!

"HE SHALL DIRECT THY PATHS" may lead me through a prison or some other difficulty where I have to exhibit CHRIST in some ROUGH circumstances.  "HE SHALL DIRECT THY PATHS" may lead me through some mountain-top experiences that can never be explained.  Whatever lies before me, I pray that I will ever "Trust in the LORD with ALL my heart" and rest assured that "HE SHALL DIRECT THY PATHS!"

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