Saturday, May 2, 2015


Romans 13:1-2                   (ESV)
"1 Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is "NO AUTHORITY EXCEPT FROM GOD", and those that exist have been instituted by GOD.
2 Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what GOD has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment."

A comedian in the mid-1970's made famous the phrase "the devil made me do it".  It is possible the comedian wanted people to have an excuse for bad choices they were making.  It seems modern-day governments across the earth are becoming increasingly secular and thinking less about GOD and HIS principles.  How can GOD continue to allow "leaders" that have little or no thought about HIM in their decisions?  I am convinced that GOD has a Plan!

To discover GOD's Plan for our lives the most reliable source is to study HIS WORD.  John 1:1 says "In the beginning was the WORD, and the WORD was with GOD, and the WORD was GOD."  When will we finally have revealed to us that the Spirit of the Living GOD is magnified when believers in HIM study and follow HIS WORD?  When will we understand that GOD desires to reveal HIMSELF in magnanimous proportions, but we have to desire "see" HIM more than anything?  And yet, we have HIS WORD put "under a bushel" because we either think we don't have time to honor HIM, or we are too ashamed to be associated with HIM?

It is no wonder that GOD has allowed mankind to "wander in the wilderness" with no direction or purpose in our destiny.  If mankind has no better sense than to choose leaders who make decisions based upon their own wisdom, then we will "reap what we sow"!  When we CHOOSE a path free from GOD and HIS direction, we are left with the products our own vision and wisdom.  That faulty, man-made "wisdom", has been exhibited since Adam and Eve to be lacking and unfulfilling.  When will we understand that WISDOM from GOD is the only thing that will satisfy?

Sometimes GOD has to allow us to "wander in the wilderness" until we are willing to turn back to HIM.  HE has allowed, and will allow, unscrupulous leaders to lead even HIS elect if HIS elect  refuse to look to, and trust in, HIM!  Those unscrupulous leaders should realize that there is "NO AUTHORITY EXCEPT FROM GOD" and that HE can require MUCH from them (Matthew 20:20-28)!   GOD "will be" glorified!  Ask King Pharaoh!  The children of Israel were in captivity for over 400 years as "NO AUTHORITY EXCEPT FROM GOD" was given to Egypt!  But when GOD decided to GET GLORY OVER PHARAOH AND ALL HIS HOST (Exodus 14:4), it wasn't "the devil that made them do it"!  .................

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