Wednesday, May 20, 2015


Isaiah 43:25-28                           (ESV)
"25 "I, I am HE who blots out your transgressions for MY own sake, and I will not remember your sins. 
26 "PUT ME IN REMEMBRANCE"; let us argue together; set forth your case, that you may be proved right. 
27 Your first father sinned, and your mediators transgressed against ME. 
28 Therefore I will profane the princes of the sanctuary, and deliver Jacob to utter destruction and Israel to reviling."

One of my favorite verses in the Holy Bible is found in Isaiah 43:25.  ALMIGHTY GOD desires a relationship with us so much that HE "blots out your transgressions" to be able to fellowship with us!  HE even tells us HE will not remember our sins, no matter how vile and reprehensible our actions.  GOD desires people who will honor and praise HIM!

"PUT ME IN REMEMBRANCE" suggests that we keep HIM at the forefront of our hearts and minds as we live our lives.  To know that GOD does not wish to be put on the back of the shelf as we live our lives comforts me.  HE wants to debate our "case" and ultimately be proven "right"!  By following HIS direction, we can be assured that we are following HIS plan for our lives.  

GOD isn't looking for someone to follow a list of rules and statutes.  HE wants those who will "PUT ME IN REMEMBRANCE", loving and adoring HIM for HIS Goodness.  Mankind has exhibited that we cannot fulfill HIS law, so HE sent HIS SON JESUS as a sacrifice for our sins and transgressions.  HE did this not because we are worthy, but because HE loved us so much!

GOD knew before the foundations of the world that for HIM to have a relationship with us that atonement for our sins would have to be made.  That is why HE said in Isaiah 43:25 "for my own sake", HE LOVED US THAT MUCH!  Is it too much to ask that we "PUT ME IN REMEMBRANCE" of the ONE who created AND redeemed us?  We should seek GOD for every decision we make and "PUT ME IN REMEMBRANCE" in all we do!!

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