Tuesday, March 1, 2022



Luke 8:16-18                        (ESV)

A Lamp Under a Jar

“[16] “No one after lighting a lamp covers it with a jar or puts it under a bed, but PUTS IT ON A STAND, so that “THOSE WHO ENTER MAY SEE THE LIGHT”. [17] For NOTHING IS HIDDEN THAT WILL NOT BE MADE MANIFEST, NOR IS ANYTHING SECRET THAT WILL NOT BE KNOWN and come to light. [18] Take care then HOW YOU HEAR, for to the one who has, MORE WILL BE GIVEN, and from the one who has not, even what he thinks that he has WILL BE TAKEN AWAY.””

Having a RED LETTER EDITION of the HOLY BIBLE is a crutch that this unlearned piece of humanity uses from time to time, assuring myself when I need to make certain that JESUS, THE MESSIAH, is the ONE saying that which I am reading.  This “analogy” of lightning a lamp is three verses, completely spoken by our CREATOR, that I have heard most of my life, but only this morning has GOD OPENED MY EYES to SEE the TRUTH spoken by my SAVIOR!

Listening to a podcast of a Canadian television show this morning, I kept wondering where “Graham Wardle” (former “Heartland” star) was and why he had vanished from the limelight?  He now has a podcast, so I visited it and found that this version was over an hour long!  My “A-D-D” will make me skip over most anything that is over 3-5 minutes long.  I listened to about 3 minutes and his guest was telling about an album that he had where GOD slowed him down and changed his vision to SEE things differently from the past.  

My mind went to a passage of Scripture when JESUS told HIS disciples about the parable of the Lamp under a Jar.  These THREE VERSES are ALL IN RED, as JESUS was delivering a MESSAGE that this servant hadn’t heard until this morning!  We humans tend to think that WE are the focal people of the salvation story.  But JESUS our REDEEMER is the ONE that shall be Magnified, and therefore Glorified!  HE is the ONE WHO OPENS EYES to SEE THE LIGHT that is shining through servants of HIM!  Otherwise, no one can COMPREHEND the MESSAGE that transforms lives and gives HOPE!

We are incapable of SEEING the HOPE OF JESUS without HIM OPENING OUR EYES!  that “THOSE WHO ENTER MAY SEE THE LIGHT” can do so ONLY when their EYES have been OPENED!  Only those who who have been CHOSEN by THE FATHER can be that “THOSE WHO ENTER MAY SEE THE LIGHT”!  Nobody is “good enough”, nobody is HOLY enough, nobody has enough money to buy their way into Heaven, UNLESS they are CHOSEN! “THOSE WHO ENTER MAY SEE THE LIGHT” can ONLY happen when ALMIGHTY GOD CHOOSES HIS CHILDREN!!!

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