Wednesday, January 9, 2013


"Wish I had a fog horn! 45 miles per hour on the highway......really????

This was posted recently on my Facebook wall by a friend.  I have threatened MANY things while driving behind someone who isn't in as big of a hurry as I am.  Let me say, that if you're not going to lead, then follow!

With that being said, yesterday while driving I was driving the speed limit on a highway and a log truck was tailgating me.  I was actually driving about 8 MPH over the speed limit!   While in a driving rain, the tractor trailer passed me when there was an opening.  About 10 minutes later I passed the same truck when we got to the next city.   

My life's motto for about the last three years has been "BE STILL" and KNOW!  GOD continues to show me that HE allows "BOULDERS in my stream" to manage and direct that path HE desires from my existence.  My desire is to reduce the size of boulders required to channel my stream in HIS direction.  

Some people know what I speak of.  Matthew 11:15 say "15 He that hath ears to hear, let him hear."  Some people cannot hear the truth because they can't hear it.   LORD, help me to realize that others may not see or hear things I do!  

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