Thursday, January 10, 2013

"Miracle from GOD!"

While reminiscing about the recovery from my near fatal brain hemorrhage in 2007, my mind remembers most of the people who "helped" me.  I remember nurses, speech therapists, physical therapists, nurses aides, dietitians, and on and on.  I even remember the ambulance driver who took over an hour loading me onto a stretcher for the 45 second ride around the corner to the Rehabilitation Hospital!   

The Doctors who helped in my recovery all advised and ordered according to their education and experience.  But, my Personal Physician is my friend and he wrote it best in my medical records September 25, 2007.  He wrote "However, he has had a remarkable recovery that could only be defined as a miracle from GOD!"  

I am no medical expert and cannot make any judgements as to how "Serious" my condition was, but whenever I see his comments about me I am humbled once again to think that GOD had a purpose for me!  

Everyone is a miracle!  Explain what it is that causes you to breath?  What is your purpose for today?   Whose life will you bless today?  

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