Tuesday, January 29, 2013


From time to time my spine "gets out" and causes me considerable discomfort.   Yesterday was one of those days.  I drove almost 3 hours to see "MY" Chiropractor.   He is the only person I have found that knows how to "POP" me back into place.  

Today I am sore as can be!   Although he fixed my "spot", it still hurts where my back was out of line.  When we sin, we all want there to be no "pain" residuals.  We want to NOT have to say "I'm sorry" or "I was wrong" or anything that is uncomfortable for us.  But, in the book of Numbers 32:23 it says "But if ye will not do so, behold, ye have sinned against the LORD: and BE SURE your sin WILL find you out."

I am thankful that Dr. Phillip Moore was able to see me yesterday on such short notice.  The pain that was evident will be gone soon.  I pray that I am just as willing to get my spiritual life "POPPED" back into shape when I stray!   

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