Saturday, January 5, 2013


This morning while looking at "my wall" on Facebook, I saw a post asking if I thought the president should be impeached. My first response a hateful "YES"!

While I do not support this President, nor his policies, I long for the day when Americans (me included) examined their own lives as much as we do others (our leaders included) lives and make appropriate changes! America will change when HEARTS begin to change, not when others change!

Scriptures record time after time that when people's hearts are changed is when societal changes occur. We may get irritated or upset with actions of individuals, but the only person I can change is ME! GOD can use my witness to influence others, but I am accountable for ONE PERSON! When I get "me" fixed, then I will move on!

Proverbs 26:2 says "Prove me, O LORD, and try me; test my heart and my mind." It doesn't say to prove OTHERS, to try OTHERS, to test OTHERS! I am responsible for ME!

GOD, help me to show more concern over my obedience and let YOU take care of others behavior!

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