Tuesday, January 8, 2013

I am praying for you!

Sometimes things are right in front of my face and I STILL don't see them!   Today I was skimming over my Facebook page and I noticed a lady posting on a friends page about "Praying for _______".   

The lady doing the praying is am elected member of a state government.  She could have said she would get the Governor of the state to intervene, or introduce legislation to make sure the patient was well cared for, or done everything within her power to assure health was restored to the individual in question. 

There is NO substitute for taking time to intercede on someone's behalf with the Creator of the Universe.  In the year 2000, George W. Bush was coming to town to campaign for office of President of the United States of America.  My family was chosen to meet with him during his visit.  We found him to be extremely courteous and "down-home"!  

President G. W. Bush was still in office in July 2007 when my brain hemorrhaged.   Knowing him did not get me any better care or considerations.  My doctor did not write in my medical records "Patient is a friend of the President!"   No, instead my doctor wrote "However, he has had a remarkable recovery that could only be defined as a miracle from GOD"!

Folks, our HOPE is in HIM!   Psalms 38:15 (KJV) says "For in thee, O LORD, do I hope: thou wilt hear, O Lord my God."  It is far better to pray to GOD than to trust in a man!  

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