Wednesday, January 2, 2013


Today, I have had this “THING” stuck in my throat and it is driving me crazy!  It may be a piece of sausage (Breakfast) or something I do not remember eating, but I cannot get it to quit bugging me!  I bought a soft drink and tried to wash it down, but it just won’t go away!

Then I got to thinking about it.  That is how it feels when there is some SIN that I have in my life!  I feel as though there is just something that is not right.  I cannot have the peace and joy that only CHRIST can bring with SIN in my life.  And like the thing in my throat, it will not let me alone until I get it out! 

Numbers 32:23 says “But if ye will not do so, behold, ye have sinned against the LORD: and be sure your sin will find you out.”!  I have to remove all sin from my life or I will be hard to deal with. 

Now, to get this “THING” out of my throat!!!!


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