Wednesday, April 22, 2015

"Consider the work of GOD"!!

Ecclesiastes 7:13-14                  (ESV)
"13 Consider the work of GOD: WHO can make straight what HE has made crooked? 
14 In the day of PROSPERITY be joyful, and in the day of ADVERSITY consider: GOD has made the one as well as the other, so that man may NOT find out anything that will be after HIM."

There are some things that that cause one to "Consider the work of GOD"!  Not knowing what drives decisions made has proven to be beyond my expertise.  But when we understand that GOD is loving and prudent, yet holy and just, we SHOULD glorify HIM beyond everything imaginable!  Instead, I find myself at times "searching" for a reason or explanation for something when we just sometimes have to proclaim that we must "Consider the work of GOD"!  

Trying to understand why someone is successful when they appear to be ruthless and without morals can be frustrating.  Why do some enjoy PROSPERITY even though they seem to engage in less than scrupulous behavior?  We, as humans, seem to "rate" things as miraculous or impossible when JESUS said in Matthew 19:26 "With man this is impossible, but with GOD all things are possible."  We aren't GOD and we can't grasp everything HE does or allows.  

At the same time, ADVERSITY can be a useful tool, especially if we understand that GOD is able to control everything.  Ecclesiastes 7:13 says "who can make straight what HE has made crooked?" indicating that GOD can use seemingly bad situations to get glory for HIMSELF!  When GOD is revealed to humans we usually call it a miracle!  I just have to look for HIM in all things! GOD will be glorified (1 Peter 4:11) in all things!

To understand WHO GOD is and what HE can do is beyond our imaginations.  Ephesians 3:20 says "Now to HIM who is able to do FAR MORE abundantly than all that we ask or think...."   In the latter portion of Ecclesiastes 7:14 scripture says "so that man may NOT find out anything that will be after HIM"!  For us to "Consider the work of GOD" may be to realize that we cannot comprehend the awesomeness and omnipotence of a SPIRIT WHO simply "spoke" the world's into existence?  That HE loved me so that HIS only SON would sacrifice HIS LIFE for my sinful existence is unfathomable?  It seems all we can do is "Consider the work of GOD"!!

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