Thursday, April 2, 2015


Proverbs 24:10-12                         (ESV)
"10 If you faint in the day of adversity, your strength is small. 
11 "RESCUE THOSE" who are being taken away to death; hold back those who are stumbling to the slaughter. 
12 If you say, "Behold, we did not know this," does not he who weighs the heart perceive it? Does not he who keeps watch over your soul know it, and will he not repay man according to his work?"

Many know of the near fatal brain hemorrhage I experienced in 2007.  To be hospitalized for 52 days and be off work for almost two years was a humbling, yet instructional, time in my life.  There were dozens of doctors and medical professionals who worked tirelessly to keep me alive, not knowing how MIRACULOUSLY I would recover.  They just saw an opportunity to "RESCUE THOSE" who needed help!  My thanks and gratitude seem so inadequate for their efforts.  

Lately, I have been wondering how many people I come in contact with who are Spiritually in serious need of attention?  They may be in tremendous pain from something someone has done to them?  Or, like my brain hemorrhage, they may not know there is a problem and they are in a serious predicament!  The Bible instructs us to "RESCUE THOSE" who are being taken away to death, not just those who KNOW they are in serious condition!  

Believe me when I say, that from a physical standpoint, when someone has no idea they are in serious condition, yet they find themselves in ICU, they find that they NEED help sometimes.  Spiritual health can be more difficult to diagnose than a physical ailment.  When you are dealing with things that are NOT SEEN, only observed through faith, the person diagnosing must be Spiritually wise and mature.  They must take the time to see your life through the Fathers eyes and not try to diagnose your condition in a brief office visit!

We are Spiritual Beings, more so than physical beings.  Please don't get so caught up in your physical existence that you ignore the your Spiritual health!  We physically diet and exercise our bodies.  We must also be careful what we intake and do (exercise) Spiritually!  You can read AT your Bible for five minutes every day, or you can let GOD speak to you and change your life with HIS Word!  From my experience, it is a lot easier to "diet and exercise" than it is to "RESCUE THOSE" who need help!  However, the joy we experience when we "RESCUE THOSE" who need help Spiritually can not be described!  The thanks and gratitude I feel for those who helped me in my recovery can be felt by us if we take time to "RESCUE THOSE" in need.

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