Wednesday, April 15, 2015


John 4:24-25 
"23 But the hour is coming, and IS NOW HERE, when the true worshipers will worship the FATHER in Spirit and Truth, for the FATHER is seeking such people to worship HIM.
24 GOD is Spirit, and those who worship HIM "MUST WORSHIP" in Spirit and Truth".  

My finite, limited mind seems to be incapable of seeing through a purely Spiritual manner.  It seems I continually am adjusting my vision to see things from THE MASTER's point of view.  My desire is to see things with Heavenly eyesight!  If GOD is Spirit, and we are Created IN HIS IMAGE (Genesis 1:27), why do we focus most of our energies on things that are "physical"?  The enemy attempts to have us focus on anything that isn't of the SPIRIT just to get our attention on something other than GOD in Heaven.  

Maybe we are closest to GOD when we PROCREATE and bring life into this world. Maybe when we are in the SPIRITUAL BIRTHING ROOM of a NEW CREATION we are more IN HIS IMAGE than we can ever realize?  Maybe we are MOST LIKE HIM when we are WEAK and HE IS STRONG?  Maybe HE desires us to die to our own will and desires and to totally sell out to the things HE has for us?  Maybe we can only be what GOD desires us to be when we yield to JESUS with our lives?

CHRIST said "unless you turn and become" (Matthew 18:2-4) as little children "you will NEVER enter the Kingdom of Heaven.  It seems when we SUBMIT TO HIM and become, like JESUS did when HE came from heaven to become a baby, then GROW IN SPIRIT under HIS guidance, then we are truly becoming STRONG IN HIM!  Anything we do "in the flesh" is not of GOD and will be burned up!  

The church has a terminal disease, and the only known cure is we "MUST WORSHIP" in Spirit and Truth!  We have to realize that we can do nothing outside of CHRIST!  All of the platitudes and ornate buildings will not facilitate the Spirit of GOD to come into our presence and abide with us.  Only being in a mindset that we "MUST WORSHIP" will bring the HOLY SPIRIT into our hearts.  Shouldn't that be our goal?  To welcome HIM into our presence so we can truly WORSHIP HIM???

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