Friday, April 10, 2015


Proverbs 22:17-18
"17 Incline your ear, and hear the words of the wise, and apply your heart to MY knowledge, 
18 for it will be pleasant if you keep them within you, if all of them are "READY ON YOUR LIPS!"

Many times a question is raised and my mind goes to a scripture for a response.  Now sharing that scripture is not something that I always find the courage to do, but the ANSWER to the question being raised is within scripture!  President Ronald Reagan once said "Within the covers of the BIBLE  are the answers for all the problems men face".  How our lives would be changed if we would seek answers from our Creator, rather than trying to figure things out on our own!

My ability to memorize scripture is not what I desire it to be.  Constantly I find myself trying to find methods of recalling scripture verses when I need them.  It seems I try to use "my" intellect instead of trusting in GOD to provide what HE wants me to say!  In Luke 12:11-12 JESUS says "And when they bring you before the synagogues and the rulers and the authorities, do not be anxious about how you should defend yourself or what you should say, for the HOLY SPIRIT will teach you IN THAT VERY HOUR what you ought to say."  What could be better than having the HOLY SPIRIT direct your conversation, having HIM developing our WORD RECALL?

The WORD of GOD is to be used to change MY LIFE, not for me to try and change everyone else's life!  Seeing the faults of others is a tool used by the enemy to prevent us from observing our own situation.  Proverbs 22:18 says "for it will be pleasant if you keep them WITHIN YOU" and finishes up with keeping "keeping ALL of them are "READY ON YOUR LIPS"!  Only GOD can change a heart, and only GOD can draw a person to HIM.  HIS WORD, the HOLY BIBLE, has been trivialized to the point of not having the impact it should because of not being accepted as HIS instruction manual for ME!  Even though I may not be able to recall book, chapter, and verse, I can keep HIS principles "READY ON MY LIPS" and guiding my actions to be more like JESUS!  HE will change others as HE sees fit!

Did you ever stop to think why the founders of the United States ALWAYS used the Holy Bible as a measuring stick when giving an oath?  Whether in a court room, or swearing into office, or whatever else, when we pledge on HIS WORD we are taking the ultimate oath!  Regardless of what modern pundits may say, our founders knew that our Creator, and HIS WORD, is more powerful and able (Hebrews 4:12) than any other WORD.  GOD s in control of ALL things, and it would behoove us to keep HIS WORD "READY ON YOUR LIPS" as the time draws near!!

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