Thursday, April 23, 2015


"Proverbs 10:19     Where there are many words, sin is not lacking!"
Kirk Jernigan

I saw this post this morning and I was stopped in my tracks!  I have searched and cannot find the exact translation, but most have the same gist.  It seems some people, of which I used to be one, have a tremendous sense of needing to express their view of matters to anyone who will listen.  Whether they are right or wrong isn't the issue, but whether their point is heard.  

In my earlier years I was exposed to a saying that went something like "It is hard to learn anything while you are talking"!  The reported author of most of the Proverbs is King Solomon, the wisest man to have ever lived, according to 1 Kings 4:30.  If King Solomon in his wisdom knew that "MANY WORDS" brought about sin, transgressions, and strife, why can't I learn from his teachings?

GOD used a brain hemorrhage in 2007 to show me that HE is the ONE in control, not me doing stuff for HIM!  The English Standard Version of Proverbs 10:19 says "When words are many, transgression is not lacking, but whoever restrains his lips is prudent."  The brain hemorrhage, and resulting word recall problem I deal with, has taught me that GOD doesn't need me to be HIS orator, nor does HE need me to do ANYTHING for HIM.  In Exodus 14:14 GOD tells Moses and the children of Israel "The LORD will fight for you, and YOU HAVE ONLY TO BE SILENT!"  Restraining my lips is something HE made abundant clear to me!  I don't need to be exposed to further lessons!

GOD, YOU have displayed to me YOUR power and might in Heavenly proportions!  My prayer is that I will never again be caught up with "MANY WORDS", but will listen to, and for, YOU!  

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