Tuesday, April 28, 2015


Psalms 23:1                         (KJV)
"The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want."

Being blessed to have a mother who raised me being in church, around the nurture and admonition of the LORD, was one of the biggest influences in my life.  And one of the first "memory verses" I was taught as a child was Psalms 23:1.  Not being old enough to know anything about using scripture to enhance my life, I didn't attempt to apply any principle to make me walk closer to the LORD.  But the teachers "planted the seed" and trusted GOD for the harvest!

"THE LORD" is a hugely misunderstood statement!  Just WHO is "THE LORD" and what is it HE does for people?  "THE LORD" is, was, and always has been the giver and sustainer of life.  Therefore, "THE LORD" provides us with the air we breathe and the ability to walk and talk AND COMMUNICATE to others we come in contact with.  HE is LIFE and I need to not only remember that, I need to display that to others as a witness of HIS mercy and grace.

But "THE LORD" is not just some cosmic genie who provides us with whatever we desire and dream of.  As my shepherd, HE is the one that guides me in my daily life so that I walk in The Plan HE has for me, that draws GLORY to HIM!  Sometimes I do things that make no sense to me, but GOD has a Plan and purpose for our lives and I need to TRUST my Shepherd that HE is leading me where HIS Plan will bring HIM Glory!

When we realize that we are in HIS Plan bringing HIM glory, it becomes easier as time goes on to say 'I shall not want'!  If we understand that GOD is WHO HE says HE is, and we are part of HIS Plan that draws Glory to HIM, it will be a lot easier to not to try to improve upon that Plan!  Even JESUS fasted and prayed far more than we do, and HE was GOD INCARNATE!  JESUS wanted to make sure HE was in The Plan GOD had for HIM.  Why shouldn't I do the same!

HEAVENLY FATHER, cause me to understand that YOU are "THE LORD" and YOU have a Plan for my life.  Nothing happens from chance or circumstance as "ALL things work together" (Romans 8:28-29) for those who love "THE LORD" and are called according to HIS Purpose!

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