Monday, October 12, 2015


Psalms 46:10                             (KJV)
"10 "BE STILL", and know that I am GOD: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth."

From recent Bible Study::: Only by choosing NOT TO BE SLAVES to our own reasonings and emotions can we win the BATTLE FOR OUR MINDS and begin hearing the voice of GOD within us.

Recently a friend of mine on a social media website (who by the way is a minister) posted something that was, at best secular, bordering on "things of this world"!   I'm not trying to be judgmental, other than wondering if I do the same?  "This world" continues operating faster and faster with technology becoming more and more advanced.  We must, as a church, return to slowing our lives down enough to be able to "hear the voice of GOD within us"!  

The enemy keeps this world spinning at such a pace that we who "are not of this world" sometimes get caught up in the "things of this world"!  Psalms 46:10 begins with "BE STILL".  It is followed by a colon, not a period.  Oftentimes I find myself pausing for my morning quiet time with a race car "PIT-STOP" mentality!  Not THINKING I have time to commune with the Creator of the Universes, I rush through a time is The WORD, pray for a few minutes, and the get back onto the racetrack of life.

But the "BE STILL" command is followed by "AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD" edict in the same breath!  CHRIST came to earth as a provision for our sins.  Yet how many of us bother receiving anything from HIM?  And then, when "the storms" of our lives come up (Matthew 8:23-27), we start wondering WHERE GOD is??  The "so-called" church isn't tuned in to the frequency of GOD.  We seem to be more interested in the things of "this world" than hearing from  "the voice of GOD within us"!  The "battle for our minds" is being waged, and it's being done at such a pace we MUST PURPOSELY CHOOSE, not only to hear answers to our problems, but directions to avoid those problems!

My Pastor recently spoke of setting aside a SPECIFIC time dedicated to hearing from GOD.  I'm not sure that the modern day Christian is sold-out enough to get alone with GOD and WAIT to hear from HIM?  We tend to want to live in a microwave, give-it-to-me-now society, with no "wars", but the battle for our minds continues whether we realize it or not!  GOD WILL BE EXALTED, regardless of the edicts and ignorance of "this world"!  My prayer is I will continue to know that I MUST "BE STILL" and recognize that HE is GOD, not some school ground principal, but CREATOR OF ALL!!

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