Monday, October 5, 2015


Romans 8:26-27                        (ESV)
"26 Likewise the SPIRIT helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the SPIRIT HIMSELF intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words.
27 And HE who searches hearts knows what is the mind of the SPIRIT, because "THE SPIRIT INTERCEDES" for the saints according to the will of GOD."

In "this world" where I live at a pace so busy and confusing, I sometimes hear from GOD in the most opportune, and inopportune, times!  A month or so ago, while on the shores of the Gulf of Mexico, I was listening to the birds singing to their Creator with such blissful orchestration.  When I thought that the Creator, WHO spoke this world into existence, not only deserves, but inhabits our praises, it humbled me to understand that HE was speaking to me while the birds were singing to HIM.

Recently, while driving home, I was tired from enjoying a weekend of keeping a grandchild when another driver took exception with my driving skills.  Everyone has flaws, and one of my greatest weaknesses is grasping that not everyone has the same driving abilities that GOD has blessed me with.  It is kind of like this, my wife is an EXCELLENT pastry chef, but I am not.  I tend to allow her to do the baking because she is so good at it.  She doesn't realize how GOOD her pastries are because IT IS A GIFT from GOD that she has!  Anyway, after the other driver "saluted" me and made sure his disdain was made known to me, I realized "the enemy" was attempting to take my joy from my weekend with GOD's gift!  It was if GOD was "using" this person to teach me a subtle lesson, just to see if I was listening to, and for, HIM.

There are times when GOD blatantly reveals HIMSELF to us, and there are times when "THE SPIRIT INTERCEDES" for us with groanings too deep for words!  Writing about an imperfection is not something that is fun to do.  But knowing GOD is working to make me a tool that can glorify HIS name is exciting!  Not everyone can say they have the SPIRIT of the living GOD living in them.  Romans 8:9 says "Anyone who does not have the SPIRIT of CHRIST does not belong to him."  Since I have the SPIRIT living in me, I need to admit it when HE is molding me more into HIS image.

To be able to hear and see GOD speaking to me through difficulties and trials (James 1:1-18) is part of the Spiritual maturation process.  There seems to be a certain  "wavelength" that GOD operates on, and I have always wanted GOD to speak to me on MY wavelength.  But GOD is showing me that true PEACE can only come though being on HIS wavelength.  LORD, cause me to allow YOU to speak to me on YOUR wavelength, but when I miss YOU, I pray "THE SPIRIT INTERCEDES" for me!

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