Thursday, October 1, 2015


1 John 4:12-14                         (ESV)
"12 No one has ever seen GOD; if we love one another, "GOD ABIDES IN US" and HIS love is perfected in us.
13 By this we know that we abide in HIM and HE in us, because HE has given us of HIS SPIRIT.
14 And we have seen and testify that the FATHER has sent HIS SON to be the SAVIOR of the world."

When I was 17 1/2 years old I came one from church on Sunday January 08, 1978 with no purpose or direction in my life.  To say I was miserable would not begin to describe how desperate my situation was.  The way I remember things, I laid in my bed and literally begged GOD to remove the turmoil and strife from my life, and to replace it with PEACE!  That was the wisest decision I ever made!

Since that day, it seems my life has been a "poster-child" for what NOT to do as far as serving HIM.  Failing HIM has been a regular occurrence in my life, but HIS love for me has never failed!  The SPIRIT OF GOD has prevented me from some unwise choices that I was dead set on making.  It is often spoken about someone having tremendous "will power"!  Well I never had great "will power", but I did have "GOD ABIDES IN US" to guide me out of some choices that I was set on making!

"GOD ABIDES IN US" to steer us into situations that HE will be glorified in.  It seems I sometimes get myself into some situations and circumstances that cause me to wonder what I was thinking?  The Bible also indicates that things in "this world" are only going to get worse!  In 2 Timothy 3:12-13 scripture records "Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in CHRIST JESUS "WILL BE" persecuted, while evil people and impostors will go on from BAD TO WORSE, deceiving and being deceived."

Knowing that "GOD ABIDES IN US" gives me peace and comfort, removing all STRIFE from my life, as GOD has given us of HIS SPIRIT!  No one has ever seen GOD, but we can make sure our lives display HIM as much as we can "if we love one another"!  We are to "separate" ourselves from the world, but we can love them at the same time!  JESUS loved AND healed many lepers during HIS earthly ministry, but HE didn't live with them.  If we better displayed "GOD ABIDES IN US" there might be more who would be drawn to The FATHER.

HOLY GOD, I pray that I will be a better example of "GOD ABIDES IN US" and "this world" will see YOU living in me!

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