Tuesday, October 13, 2015


John 14:8-11                            (ESV)
"8 Philip said to HIM, "LORD, SHOW US THE FATHER, and it is enough for us."
9 JESUS said to him, "Have I been with you so long, and you still do not know ME, Philip? Whoever has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, "SHOW US THE  FATHER"?
10 Do you not believe that I am in the FATHER and the FATHER is in ME? The words that I say to you I do NOT speak on MY own authority, but the FATHER who dwells in ME does HIS works.
11 Believe ME that I am in the FATHER and the FATHER is in ME, or else believe on account of the works themselves."

There are times, when observing the actions of one of my sons, it is said "he's his father's son"!  It is generally when some unattractive trait has been displayed and the observer is recognizing that my sons are passing along inherited behaviors.  It is seldom that I glory in the comment, as no one knows but me how truly unholy I am!  I am blessed to have never had to go to the hospital, nor police station, nor jail to get my sons out of trouble!  GRACE is the only thing I can attribute that to!

Our sons have traits of my wife (which I prayed they would get her looks!) and unfortunately, have some traits of their father (which I prayed fervently neither would inherit the my temper!!!).  As they mature, even though they are both their own men, evidence of them being FROM their parents is undeniable.

It is not difficult to understand then why JESUS asked Philip "Do you not believe that I am in the FATHER and the FATHER is in ME?"  JESUS had the FATHER in HIM and HE had no choice but to reflect the FATHER.  In John 8:44, JESUS was speaking to the scribes and Pharisees and said, ".......When he (satan) lies, he 'speaks out of his own character', for he is a liar and the father of lies".  When JESUS was crucified, HIS blood was poured out for ALL mankind, not just for the wealthy, the moral, and the good.  HE suffered and died for the vagrant, the Kings, the righteous, the child murderers, everyone who would call upon the name of the LORD!  HE had no ability NOT to love, even those who crucified HIM, for HIS 'character' was GOD and GOD is love (1 John 4:8)!

Philip was having difficulty grasping how JESUS and GOD could be the same, yet different.  Being of "this world", our mindset and focus is on the things of "this world"!  But JESUS said in John 18:36 "MY kingdom is not of THIS WORLD"!  We feel a need to REASON and EXPLAIN everything in earthly terms, but the things of GOD are not of THIS WORLD and cannot be REASONED nor EXPLAINED!  Looking through the lens of FAITH changes the way things are viewed in "this world".

My sons can't deny some of their traits come from their father, (although I'm sure there are times they would like to)!  JESUS had no ability to do anything but LOVE, for HE was of GOD!  We too have the FATHER living in us.  In the 17th chapter of John, verse 23, JESUS says "I in them, and YOU in ME", that they may BECOME PERFECTLY ONE, so that the world may know that YOU sent ME and loved them even as YOU loved ME".  When Philip asked "SHOW US THE FATHER", little did he know that HE was looking at the FATHER in the person of JESUS CHRIST!  Do I exemplify the FATHER in my life so vividly that others can see HIM in my actions?  Or do they have to inquire "SHOW US THE FATHER"??

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