Tuesday, October 6, 2015


Mark 8:11-13                           (ESV)
"11 The Pharisees came and began to argue with HIM, seeking from HIM a sign from heaven to test HIM.
12 And HE sighed deeply in HIS Spirit and said, "Why does this generation seek a sign? Truly, I say to you, no sign will be given to this generation."
13 And "HE LEFT THEM", got into the boat again, and went to the other side."

Sometimes I have to SLOW things down and read them extremely deliberately.  Recently. while I was waiting at a business, I was reading scripture on my iPhone.  I got to Mark 8:11 and it was one of those SLOW down moments!  I had to literally read verse 11 one word at a time!  The reason for this will bear itself rather quickly I pray.

When I read "The Pharisees" my mind immediately thought about the "establishment" church hierarchy.  These people weren't interested in JESUS showing HE was GOD's SON, only that HE was upsetting their apple cart, their self-appointed religious royalty!  The Pharisees "came and began to argue with HIM"!  I have heard of people who don't need a reason to argue, they just need an opportunity!  The Pharisees seemed to fit that category.

Then my mind went to Washington DC.  We have democrats and republicans who act as though they are the "elite" rather than servants they were elected to be!  One is left to wonder if JESUS HIMSELF came to a joint meeting of the House of Representatives and the United States Senate, would HE even be welcomed?   JESUS actually "sighed deeply" in HIS Spirit when the Pharisees began to argue with HIM.

There are those whom we have no choice but to saturate that place with your absence.  When "HE LEFT THEM", JESUS removed their ability of the Pharisees to twist what HE said to fit their agenda.  HE knew they weren't under conviction, but we're only there for their own agenda.   They weren't trying to see what THEY NEEDED to do to satisfy their sin debt, rather they were trying to "test",  or trick HIM!  JESUS could "see" that the Pharisees had bad intentions because HE wasn't blinded by disdain or frustration with their schemes.  HE sighed deeply showing no interest in their arguing!

When one refuses to humble themselves before a HOLY GOD, "it is a fearful thing" (Hebrews 10:31)!  When "HE LEFT THEM" the Pharisees should have known they were not part of GOD's Plan, but their eyes were blinded to The TRUTH!  JESUS humbled HIMSELF (Philippians 2:5-9) to the point of death, yet because the Pharisees refused to humble themselves, "HE LEFT THEM" !

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