Saturday, October 31, 2015


Deuteronomy 1:29-30a
"29 Then I said to you, 'Do not be in dread or afraid of them.
30 The LORD your GOD who goes before you "WILL HIMSELF FIGHT FOR YOU" ......."

Deuteronomy 31:5-6
"5 And the LORD will give them over to you, and you shall do to them according to the whole commandment that I have commanded you.
6 Be strong and courageous. DO NOT FEAR OR BE IN DREAD of them, for it is the LORD your GOD who goes with you. HE will not leave you or forsake you."

How many times have I "wondered" how GOD was going to work something out that I was going through?  Trying to make sure that I stay out of the LORD's way seems to be my biggest challenge.  It seems we all have a yearning to be involved in the day to day spiritual warfare we are faced with, to have a hand in helping FIGHT our battles.

The biggest FIGHT I have been involved in was in July 2007.  My brain sprung a leak (hemorrhaged) and I was hospitalized for 31 days, 17 of those days in a coma.  Having always been one who wanted to give the appearance of being in control, it was rather frustrating, and extraordinarily humbling, to not even be able to control the words that I was speaking from my own mouth!  A decision was made to medically induce a coma to allow my body a chance to heal.

For me, being in a coma didn't bring about a vision of Heaven, or anything else.  The drug that was used to keep me sedated is known as "the amnesia drug", because you can't remember anything that is happening.  The main accomplishment of the coma was to calm me and let healing take place. There is not a tremendous amount that can be done for someone who has a brain hemorrhage.  That is why the mortality rate of brain hemorrhage patients is over 80%!  To say I was in GOD's Hands has never been so evident.

"The LORD your GOD who goes before you "WILL HIMSELF FIGHT FOR YOU" should be easy for me to submit to?  There was literally NOTHING I could do to help save my life.  Letting GOD FIGHT this battle was not an option, it was done by medication.  Had I been able, I would have probably been trying to assist in my healing and recovery.  To survive a "hemorrhagic stroke" with no physical deficits (disabilities) is as miraculous as it sounds.

To have been shown that GOD "WILL HIMSELF FIGHT FOR YOU" has proven to me that GOD doesn't need my help to do anything!  The best thing I can do is not get in GOD's Way of completing HIS Work in my life.  HE has shown me that HE can cause me to "not be in control" if HE needs to!  Knowing that GOD "WILL HIMSELF FIGHT FOR YOU" brings peace beyond imagination!!

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