Monday, July 17, 2017


Matthew 16:21-23                          (ESV)
"21 From that time JESUS began to show HIS disciples that HE must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things from the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and on the third day be raised.
22 And Peter took HIM aside and began to rebuke HIM, saying, "Far be it from YOU, LORD! This shall never happen to YOU."
23 But HE turned and said to Peter, "GET BEHIND ME, SATAN!" You are a hindrance to me. For you are not setting your mind on the things of GOD, but on the things of man." 

Many times it has been written about "recognize and identify the enemy" is one of the most crucial elements of winning a battle.  You stand a far better chance of defeating the enemy if you can "recognize and identify the enemy" before he is allowed to infiltrate your camp.  This word was is a commentary I was reading recently:

From Barnes' notes on the Bible

Get thee behind me, Satan - The word "Satan" literally means "an adversary," or one who opposes us in the accomplishment of our designs.

JESUS (GOD IN THE FLESH) never had problems "recognizing and identifying the enemy", and this time was no different.  HE  readily recognized that Peter was being used by the enemy to try and push his (devils) agenda in place of the Will of GOD being performed.  JESUS quite quickly told the enemy "GET BEHIND ME SATAN" because HE "KNEW" the Will of the FATHER!  After all, HE and the FATHER are ONE (John 10:30)!!!

In contrast to what JESUS did when HE encountered the enemy, most times we (mainly I) ostracize the person who has spoken the words instead of the enemy who is behind the words being spoken.  I'm quite certain that I have been used to interject my selfish desires into GOD's Plan and claim it was for HIM!  And GOD usually doesn't need any help from me completing HIS Plan!  Exodus 14:14 plainly states "The LORD will fight for you, and YOU HAVE ONLY TO BE SILENT." 

JESUS knew HE was headed to suffer and DIE, and rise again for the sins of all mankind, not to be an earthly potentate.  HE recognized that the enemy didn't want HIS Plan to be fulfilled, so he tried to interject his plan in it's place.  When we set our minds on the things of man, instead of the things of GOD, we are missing the mark!  We need to be able to "recognize and identify our enemy" and to tell him "GET BEHIND ME SATAN"!!!

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