Monday, July 31, 2017


John 15:1-2                            (ESV)
"1 "I am "THE TRUE VINE" the true vine, and MY FATHER is the vinedresser.
2 Every branch in me that does not bear fruit HE takes away, and every branch that does bear fruit HE prunes, that it may bear more fruit."

The first time I remember being asked to give a devotional I was in the youth department of the church I was attending in my early teen years and I spoke about the 15th chapter of John.  Now, over 40 years later ALMIGHTY GOD still speaks to me using the same scriptures, only in a slightly more mature understanding of HIS WORD! 

According to one commentary, the words "true vine" could mean "1. I am the true vine] We have here the same word for ‘true’ as in John 1:9, John 6:32; Revelation 3:14. Christ is the true, the genuine, the ideal, the perfect Vine, as He is the perfect Light, the perfect Bread, and the perfect Witness".  JESUS CHRIST completed everything that The FATHER required for redemption of mankind, therefore the statement in John 19:30 when HE said "It is finished"!

But THE FATHER is the ONE WHO does the pruning of "THE TRUE VINE".  Now I'm no vinedresser, but I'm told that the best branches are pruned with greater emphasis and they respond by producing more and more grapes.  GOD THE CREATOR knows exactly how much HE should prune each branch for the production HE desires to receive from that branch.  Sadly, I often question the Vinedresser about how much HE is cutting me back, when HE is the ONE WHO created me and only HE knows what will cause me to produce the crop that will most Glorify HIM!

Don't be disgruntled when you experience "pruning" in your life that gives the appearance of being a little drastic!  THE FATHER is the Vinedresser and HE knows what will Glorify HIM the most!  The branches that do not bear fruit HE takes away!  The branches that DO bear fruit are connected to "THE TRUE VINE" and will be pruned to produce more fruit!  Are you apart of "THE TRUE VINE"???

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