Saturday, July 29, 2017


John 19:14-15                                              (ESV)
"14 Now it was the day of Preparation of the Passover. It was about the sixth hour. He (Pilate) said to the Jews, "Behold your King!"
15 They cried out, "Away with HIM, away with HIM, crucify HIM!" Pilate said to them, "Shall I crucify your King?" The CHIEF PRIESTS answered, "We have "NO KING" but Caesar.""

The CHIEF PRIESTS and upper echelon of the Jews during the time of JESUS' earthly ministry had become so caught up in the worldly aspects of serving a god of their own imaginations that they couldn't SEE THE SON OF GOD walking right in their midst!  The thought of losing their "standing" among the Jews was not something that interested them in the least.  They were more interested in what their worldly companions thought about them than what ALMIGHTY GOD knew about them!!!

To become a CHIEF PRIEST was an honor bestowed on a very limited amount the Jewish people.  They were supposed to be leaders in and of the Temple, but the position had been hijacked by ungodly, worldly people who were more interested in themselves than serving GOD and HIS Kingdom.  One of the most damning statements made by them was in John 19:15 when "the CHIEF PRIESTS answered, "We have "NO KING" but Caesar"!!  It is rather easy to say how blinded they were, but we don't SEE ourselves doing the same thing with our own lives.  

We say we are children of GOD, but sometimes we serve our own desires, or worldly leaders, or "NO KING" at all!  JESUS said in John 14:15-31 that if we love HIM we will keep HIS commandments!  Yet we want to impose our will into scripture and make PEOPLE think we are doing His Will in our lives!  The CHIEF PRIESTS of JESUS' time have been/will be held accountable for their words and deeds, and we will be likewise!  Are you following GOD'S commandments, or "NO KING" at all?  

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