Friday, July 21, 2017


Hosea 12:6                             (ESV)
""So you, by the help of your GOD, RETURN, hold fast to love and justice, and "WAIT CONTINUALLY FOR YOUR GOD"." 

The world we live in is operating at an increasingly unsustainable pace.  It seems nobody has time for the things of GOD, although we all have so many "time saving" devices with which we crowd our lives.  The WORD of GOD is filled with messages to WAIT ON THE LORD, but it seems we don't want to break away from the "things" of "this world", fearing that we might lose out on making a dollar!  

The scripture above vividly instructs us to RETURN (to GOD), hold fast to love and justice, and "WAIT CONTINUALLY FOR YOUR GOD"!  The sad thing is, too many people who "WAIT CONTINUALLY FOR YOUR GOD" may not be waiting for GOD JEHOVAH, but some earthly god who will deliver nothing but pain and heartache!  Remember, John 10:10 says "The thief comes only to STEAL and KILL and DESTROY. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly"!  

As I mature, both physically and Spiritually, I am caused more and more to "WAIT CONTINUALLY FOR YOUR GOD".  In my younger days I was one of those people who were running so fast trying to make sure that I wasn't missing anything, while all the time I needed to "WAIT CONTINUALLY FOR YOUR GOD".  My prayer is that when my life and legacy are completed that my testimony will be that I "WAITED CONTINUALLY FOR YOUR GOD"."

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