Sunday, July 9, 2017


2 Corinthians 9:8
"And "GOD IS ABLE" to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work."

Ten years is a long time when you are going jail!  However, ten years is not so long a period when the current average life expectancy in the United States is almost 79 years old.   Ten years ago this morning my brain developed a leak in the portion of my brain that I call the word recall area of my grey matter!  Although medical expertise continues to improve, in 2007 the fatality rate for a Brain Hemorrhage was around 80%!  When you consider just these numbers alone, it is easy to see why I don't subscribe to the "lucky" word being used to describe me.  I AM UNEQUIVOCALLY BLESSED!!!

You don't know how many times I have heard "GOD's not through with you yet", and don't I know those words ring loud and clear.  But when one looks back to the day when everything came to a screeching halt in my life, it seems like it was a really LONG time ago, yet it also seems like it was just a short time ago.  

To add to the equation, on April 11 of this year, quadruple bypass surgery was performed on me because of some blockages that were found during a heart cath.  Although the seriousness of the surgery is well known, my surgery and recovery was astounding.  Only four days post surgery I was dismissed from the hospital and three weeks later I was released by the heart surgeon.  And even though I would love to take credit for the rapid recovery, there are too many examples of people who didn't do so well to believe that I had anything to do with it.  

There are folks that say that if GOD still performed miracles like HE did when the children of Israel were leaving Egypt, or crossing the Red Sea, or maybe conquering Jericho.  Or if JESUS were still here on earth turning water into wine, or raising dead people to life, or feeding five thousand with only a few fish and a small portion of bread, that they might believe in HIM!  Well people, I'm living proof that miracles still happen!  There are miracles that have happened in your life too.  "GOD IS ABLE" to perform miracles today, the thing is, are we prepared to SEE them???  

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