Friday, July 14, 2017


John 18:36                               (ESV)
"Jesus answered, "My kingdom is not of "THIS WORLD". If MY kingdom were of "THIS WORLD", MY servants would have been fighting, that I might not be delivered over to the Jews. But MY kingdom is not from the world." 

If you are familiar with my writing, you no doubt have seen me often referring to "THIS WORLD", and I often have the words in quotation marks.  JESUS made it very clear that HE was not of "THIS WORLD" and HIS mission was to save as many who would call upon HIS Name would be saved.  Yet it seems we humans are so "busy" making "THIS WORLD" comfortable, as if we are going to live here forever!  

The comfortable accommodations of "THIS WORLD" will one day SOON be burned (2 Peter 3:10) to be remembered no more.  Then what will be done with the monies and treasures that have been stored up for the proverbial rainy day?  

Just because we are in "THIS WORLD" doesn't mean we should act as though we are OF "THIS WORLD"!  We are liken to aliens, those who don't have citizenship for the country they are living in.  We can build fancy homes and have all the luxuries that money can buy, but it won't do us any good at the Judgement!  When GOD ALMIGHTY declares "THIS WORLD" to be over, HE will make a New Heaven and a New Earth (Revelation 21:1) for we who have Believed on HIM!  

Yes, I'm kind of proud to be one who is NOT of "THIS WORLD", for the next world is where I am a citizen!  If you are a Believer, don't let the ruler of "THIS WORLD" blind you from the TRUTH!  If you aren't a Believer, I pray that your eyes will be opened to SEE that "THIS WORLD" is not what it seems!!!

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