Wednesday, April 7, 2021


Philippians 4:10-13                              (ESV)

[10] I rejoiced in the LORD greatly that now at length you have revived your concern for me. You were indeed concerned for me, but you had no opportunity. [11] Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in WHATEVER situation I am to be content. [12] I know how to be BROUGHT LOW, and I know how to ABOUND. In any and EVERY CIRCUMSTANCE, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. [13] I can do “ALL THINGS” through HIM WHO strengthens me.

The Bible application that I use on my chosen electronic device has captions on most paragraphs of Scripture.  This particular paragraph is entitled “God’s Provision”.  Recognizing GOD’s PROVIDENCE throughout my lifetime is quite a humbling experience.  Recently I was testifying how GOD “provided” for my family in the twenty four months following the Brain Hemorrhage almost fourteen years ago.  My income went from a comfortable salary to no salary within a few weeks, but in “ALL THINGS” GOD provided as we were FORCED to live by FAITH!

GOD has a way of leading us down a path to grow our FAITH IN HIM!  The Apostle Paul wrote that he knew “how to be BROUGHT LOW, and I know how to ABOUND”.  He found that in EVERY CIRCUMSTANCE GOD provided for his needs in the measure that would grow his Belief that he wasn’t in control, but GOD was!  When we realize that even the air we breathe (Isaiah 42:5) is provided without us even requesting, until one day HE determines HE is ready for us to come to Heaven.  Until GOD is ready, our journey on earth(breathing included!) will continue.

Being BROUGHT LOW or ABOUNDING doesn’t identify who we are IN CHRIST.  HE is the ONE leading and guiding us, so we should rejoice that we have another day to celebrate LIFE in HIM.  Acknowledging that we ARE NOT the LORD of our lives is a humbling experience, but an experience that we ALL need to go through.  It is not just “through the valley of the shadow of death”, but with every breath we breathe and every situation we MUST TRUST GOD in “ALL THINGS”!!!

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