Wednesday, April 14, 2021


 Exodus 3:1                                        (ESV)

“Now Moses was “KEEPING THE FLOCK” of his father-in-law, Jethro, the priest of Midian, and HE LED HIS FLOCK to the west side of the wilderness and came to Horeb, THE MOUNTAIN OF GOD.”

As previously stated, Moses was “on the run” after killing an Egyptian who was treating a fellow Israelite poorly.  He wasn’t a wealthy man, but his father-in-law owned a flock of sheep that he was tasked with shepherding.  Moses wasn’t immediately instructed by ALMIGHTY GOD to lead HIS CHILDREN out from Egyptian bondage when he arrived in Midian, but was “groomed” for forty years for the task he was assigned by GOD in Exodus 3:10.  

Being a shepherd wasn’t a high profile position.  Jethro was “the priest of Midian”, according to Exodus 3:1.  But Moses was near Mount Horeb apparently searching for forage for the sheep he was entrusted with.  Mount Horeb is across the Sea of Aqaba from Midian, so suffice it to say that Moses got to spend an abundance of time away from the noise of “this world” listen to his CREATOR.  

“KEEPING THE FLOCK” allowed Moses to be “groomed” by ALMIGHTY GOD for the task of leading HIS CHOSEN people away from their captivity.  The current day Egyptians were considered the most fierce warriors of their time, so Moses and the Israelites would HAVE to TRUST in a HIGHER POWER for their deliverance.  They were NO MATCH for the Egyptian Army, but GOD was!

GOD wasn’t required to select Moses to be the one to lead HIS CHILDREN, but HIS PLAN to “eliminate” the enemy called for OBEDIENCE and FAITH of a servant.  GOD CHOSE MOSES TO BE THAT SERVANT!  From the time Moses was born and placed in a basket by his mother, to being raised by Pharaoh’s daughter, to killing the Egyptian soldier, and even through his forty years in Midian, Moses was being “groomed” for such a time as this!  “KEEPING THE FLOCK” was used to teach Moses how to lead sheep, and GOD used those leadership skills for HIS GLORY as HIS PLAN unfolded!  Never doubt GOD’S PLAN!

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