Thursday, April 15, 2021


 Exodus 2:23-25                    (ESV)

God Hears Israel’s Groaning

“[23] During those many days the king of Egypt died, and the people of Israel groaned because of their slavery and cried out for help. Their cry for rescue from slavery came up to GOD. [24] And GOD heard their groaning, and GOD remembered HIS covenant with Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob. [25] GOD saw the people of Israel—and “GOD KNEW”.”

Most people are of the “feeling” that GOD is in control, but when GOD doesn’t respond according to their wishes they assume that this “wrong” must not have mattered to HIM, or it didn’t rate being adjudicated by THE CREATOR!  The Children of Israel were in captivity, enslaved by the Egyptians who were increasingly taking more and more from their captives. The Israelites made their petitions known to GOD, but “GOD KNEW” already!

There is not a injustice that GOD allows to go unpunished.  Galatians 6:7 plainly states “DO NOT BE DECEIVED: GOD IS NOT MOCKED, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap”!  What AGONY it must be to have our EYES OPENED to SEE that the sins of mankind must be dealt with one day.  Our CREATOR, however, operates on HIS OWN timeframe and HIS MERCY is long, but HIS JUDGEMENT IS SURE!  Never think that HE forgets with time, for HE is NOT A MAN that HIS mind should let anything slide into obscurity.  HE IS GOD!

The EYES of those who are not CHOSEN have yet to be OPENED to the TRUTH.  We who are CHOSEN have a duty to GO AND TELL (Matthew 28:19-20; Mark 16:15; Luke 14:23; Acts 1:7-8) “this world” that JUDGEMENT IS COMING!  The Egyptians of Exodus 14:27-28 were killed because they could not SEE TRUTH!  “GOD KNEW” what atrocities they were guilty of, and HE didn’t forget, even though HIS JUDGEMENT was delayed by HIS MERCY!  My JUDGEMENT was “imputed” on JESUS on Calvary!  Was yours???

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