Thursday, April 1, 2021


 Romans 8:14-17                                 (ESV)

“[14] For ALL who are led by the SPIRIT of GOD are sons of GOD. [15] For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to FALL BACK INTO FEAR, but you have received the SPIRIT of adoption as sons, by WHOM we cry, “Abba! FATHER!” [16] The SPIRIT HIMSELF bears witness with our spirit that WE ARE CHILDREN OF GOD, [17] and if children, then heirs—heirs of GOD and FELLOW HEIRS WITH CHRIST, “PROVIDED WE SUFFER WITH HIM” in order that we may also be glorified with HIM.”

As far back as I can remember, I have always been “healthy”!  That is to say that I have never been skinny.  In my latter years I have experienced some challenges with my health, but GOD had brought me through each challenge, usually with little effort on my part.  Although I have observed others with health struggles, my identity as a “healthy” person has been EVIDENT to most.  

EVIDENCE that a person is a CHILD OF GOD, a FELLOW HEIR WITH CHRIST, can be a bit more challenging.  “This world” seemingly attaches financial gain or a long lifetime as the EVIDENCE that GOD is BLESSING someone.  But THE WORD OF GOD is what we MUST judge our opinion on, and JESUS’ lifetime was the exact opposite of the aforementioned criteria.  HE had no place to lay HIS head (Matthew 8:20) and HE was crucified in HIS early thirties.  Yet, HE ascended to HEAVEN to sit in HEAVEN next to HIS FATHER, AFTER HIS SUFFERING!!!

How is my witness, my testimony, that I am an HEIR WITH CHRIST?  My mind has DREAMS that I have a desire to SEE fulfilled, but HIS PLANS are what I most desire for my life.  EVIDENCE that I AM A CHILD OF GOD and FELLOW HEIRS WITH JESUS might not be plain to notice by “this world”, but being LED BY THE SPIRIT OF GOD wherever HE chooses is the evidence I want to exhibit for HIS GLORY!  Walking with JESUS may expose us to hardships, but “PROVIDED WE SUFFER WITH HIM” we will spend eternity with HIM IN GLORY!!!

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