Thursday, April 8, 2021


 2 Timothy 2:15                       (KJV)

“”STUDY” to shew thyself approved unto GOD, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of TRUTH.”

For most of my life I have been someone who has had the mentality of “speed reading” my way through everything I attempted, especially when it comes to the art of “STUDYING”!  When we “STUDY” the WORD OF GOD it benefits us little if we are not slowing down long enough for it to absorb into our lives and change us to more reflect CHRIST in our actions.  

It takes more than a cursory glimpse of Scripture to sharpen the MIND.  A dictionary defines “STUDY” as “application of the MIND to the acquisition of knowledge, as by READING, INVESTIGATION, or REFLECTION”.  Wanting and wishing to KNOW something is commendable, but taking the time to “STUDY” the intricacies of a matter is something that most commonly requires time and REFLECTION.  

In Genesis 3 Moses was spoken to by ALMIGHTY GOD through a burning bush at Mt. Horeb.  Moses was alone keeping the sheep of his father-in-law, Jethro.  Although the heart of Moses could have been changed immediately by ALMIGHTY GOD, HE chose to allow Moses to “STUDY” the task at hand for a period of time.  Moses didn’t immediately do what he was instructed to do.  After a period of time for REFLECTION, Moses (and his brother Aaron) were in Egypt, trying to convince Pharaoh to allow the Children of Israel to be set free!

Moses had to “STUDY” on what GOD spoke to him before the exact PLAN OF GOD began to be revealed to his MIND.  His mission was to OBEY GOD, but he had to walk by FAITH and keep listening to GOD for directions.  Would it surprise us if GOD has a PLAN for our lives, just as HE did for the life of Moses?  Scripture instructs us to “STUDY” to show ourselves APPROVED!  GOD wants us to OBEY HIM, but HE also wants us to “STUDY” HIS precepts!!!

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