Tuesday, April 27, 2021


 Hebrews 13:1-2                            (ESV)

“[1] Let brotherly love continue. [2] Do not neglect to “SHOW HOSPITALITY” to strangers, for thereby SOME HAVE ENTERTAINED ANGELS UNAWARES.”

How are we supposed to “SHOW HOSPITALITY” to strangers when some people have problems being kind even to our friends and neighbors?  With the uncertainty in today’s world, we are almost encouraged to FEAR others rather than to make them feel welcome and comfortable.  When our FAITH is on THINGS ABOVE (Colossians 3:2), it should cause our actions to be NOT OF THIS WORLD!  

Being reminded of a television show in my youth, an “alien” from outer space could not make sense of the actions of “earthlings” because they were from totally different society.  As Believers, we resemble “aliens” because we are NOT OF THIS WORLD!  Our HOME is in HEAVEN, we are simply “ambassadors” in a foreign land trying to reflect the LOVE of JESUS.  In doing so, we are CALLED to “SHOW HOSPITALITY” even when we are being persecuted, and we WILL BE persecuted according to 2 Timothy 3:12.  

The command to “SHOW HOSPITALITY” is not an option for Believers.  We need to be prepared for PERSECUTION, because IT IS COMING!  How we respond to said PERSECUTION could be an indication of WHO we are, and the TRANSFORMATION that has hopefully occurred in our lives.   When we “SHOW HOSPITALITY” in the face of PERSECUTION, our reflection of HIM WHO TRANSFORMS is never more apparent!!! 

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