Saturday, April 24, 2021


 James 4:5-6                     (ESV)

[5] Or do you suppose it is to no purpose that the Scripture says, “HE yearns jealously over THE SPIRIT that HE HAS MADE TO DWELL IN US”? [6] But “HE GIVES MORE GRACE”. Therefore it says, “GOD opposes the proud but GIVES GRACE to the HUMBLE.”

It can be very easy to claim that we are doing/have done things for the Kingdom of our own volition. Jeremiah 17:9 say “The heart (of man) is deceitful above ALL THINGS, and DESPERATELY SICK (WICKED); who can understand it?”  If we are are WICKED in our core, we MUST be regenerated, born again, in HIS likeness, to WALK IN THE LIGHT (1 John:5-7)!  

The only way we can WALK IN THE LIGHT is to have GOD SUPERNATURALLY GIVE US MORE GRACE!  “HE GIVES MORE GRACE”, not to the proud who want to draw glory to themselves, but to the HUMBLE who prefer to deflect FOR THE GLORY OF JESUS!! HE will guide us with HIS LIGHT as long as we submit to HIS LEADERSHIP!  “HE GIVES MORE GRACE” when we realize that it’s all because of HIM that we SEE HIM!!!

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