Friday, April 30, 2021


 Acts 9:18-19                      (ESV)

“[18] And immediately SOMETHING LIKE SCALES FELL FROM HIS EYES, and he regained “HIS SIGHT”. Then he rose and was baptized; [19] and taking food, he was strengthened.”

Every person is unique in that the experiences they encounter are SEEN in a way that they SEE things.  1 Corinthians 7:17 reminds us to “Only let EACH PERSON lead the life that the LORD has assigned to him, and to which GOD HAS CALLED HIM. This is my rule in all the churches”.  We ALL SEE things from the perspective of the level our minds are currently in at the given time we have the encounter.  

Saul was persecuting members of THE WAY in Acts 9:1, but by Acts 9:20 he was being uses by JESUS to proclaim HIS message to those in his path.  Saul, although he had the same body, was a NEW CREATION and was embarking on a journey to SUFFER for JESUS (Acts 9:16!).  “HIS SIGHT” was physically restored, but his SPIRIT was now able to SEE.  JESUS HAD A PLAN and Saul/Paul was going to be used for the GLORY OF THE NAME OF JESUS!  

There are times when I don’t understand (SEE) why I am going through a stormy situation, but on the other side of the storm I can SEE how JESUS was guiding me for HIS GLORY.  Although I too am a NEW CREATION, my SIGHT is able to SEE better from the “other side” of the storm that I was brought through. It is not that JESUS was stronger or more effective now, it’s just that I can SEE better when my EYES don’t have the “storm” glaring at me!

What we SEE is not SOLELY determined by our FAITH, but where we are in our WALK with JESUS.  Each person has a life assigned to them by our CREATOR, and no one else gets the opportunity to live the life GOD has assigned to us!  Only by living HIS PLAN for our lives can we SEE things that can only be SEEN from the other side of the storm.  Our version of “HIS SIGHT” will never be experienced by any other human. DON’T cheat yourself out of the BLESSING of TRUSTING IN JESUS to deliver you. 

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