Sunday, August 18, 2013

"Big buildings vs. Big hearts!"

Proverbs 21:13   (KJV)
"Whoso stoppeth his ears at the cry of the poor, he also shall cry himself, but shall not be heard."

Yesterday, my wife and I spent with my youngest son.  He is almost 23 years old, married, has bought their own house, and will soon graduate for college!  While driving down the streets of the city he lives in, I commented that there sure were "A LOT" of church buildings on the street. 

We finished our visit and began our journey home.  About 15 minutes into our journey my son "TWEETED" the following, "There's gotta be 20 million dollars worth of church facilities on Dave Ward. There shouldn't be a homeless person in Conway." @BigRay1978".  My son's fellowship focuses on helping the "under privileged" FIGHT their way out of poverty.  

My thoughts went quickly to how much money churches spend to build lavish facilities to congregate and fellowship in.  Then, my mind went to how much is spent on the "NEEDS" of our community.  When JESUS walked among us HE said in Luke 14:13 "But when thou makest a feast, call the poor, the maimed, the lame, the blind".  

Isn't it a shame that we, myself included, tend to shy away from ones who are struggling financially, instead of taking advantage of their opportunity to minister?  I wonder if CHRIST is pleased with our ornate structures, while so many have unmet needs?  

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