Friday, August 30, 2013


Six years ago yesterday.  On August 29 2007, I was discharged from the Rehabilitation Hospital 52 days after I awoke to having a brain hemorrhage.  To be honest, I didn't realize the day had slipped up on me until I was eating lunch with a friend and he remarked how far I had come since he came to see me in Rehab.  

When I pause for recollection, I still  get a bit misty eyed.  To hear my friend tell, from an objective point of view, how far I have come is quite humbling.  I have shared before my doctors records entry from September 2007.  "However, he has had a remarkable recovery that could only be described as a miracle from GOD".  To hear my friend confirm that point of view is quite sobering. 

When my journey is revisited by someone else, it brings a different perspective into my view.  Yesterday my friend was commenting on how remarkable the difference was between then and now.  To say that "I am blessed" does not seem to do justice to what GOD has done in my life.   

Jeremiah 29:11 says "For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end."  GOD knew EXACTLY how long I would be ill, and how long my recovery has taken.  As I begin year number seven of my recovery, I pledge to "Be still, and KNOW" that HE is GOD and is still on HIS throne!  

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